Integrate keywords in strategic places
One of the pillars of any SEO strategy is the study of the keywords to use. The most obvious strategy is to target the most searched keywords on search engines. Once the keywords are identified, we build our content around them hoping to get a maximum of traffic. However, this strategy is biased: it is the intention behind the search for these keywords. Indeed, searching for "oversize shirt" on a search engine does not necessarily mean that we want to buy one. Maybe we just want to find inspirations of looks including this type of shirt because we already own one. You get the idea?
To try to overcome the intent bias, you can:
- Analyze the first 10 results brought up by search engines for the keyword you want to analyze to see if these pages are similar to yours, and then if the search engine has understood the link between that keyword and your page's purpose.
- Based on the search volume: usually, the lower the search volume, the more niche the search is. If you are targeting users who are searching for a niche keyword, it means that they are already interested in your business and will tend to convert more easily.
- Action verbs or geographical details within a query can help you detect a purchase intention: the words "buy", "purchase", "cheap" are often used in order to find a site selling the searched product. Also the name of a product followed by the name of a city or a region often translates the search for a physical point of sale around you.
It is by investigating that you will be able to understand which keywords best correspond to your product and your target buyers.
Once you have chosen your keywords, place them in strategic places on your product page:
- The title of your product page
- The short description of your product
- The global description
- The URL of your product page
One last tip:
- Remember to use keyword phrases
- Put in bold the keywords or expressions that you want to highlight to search engines